"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell

Rating: 5.0

What it's about:

This exhaustive presentation of the findings from the China Study conclusively demonstrates the link between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Referred to as the "Grand Prix of epidemiology" by The New York Times, this study examines more than 350 variables of health and nutrition with surveys from 6,500 adults in 65 counties, representing 2,500 counties across rural China and Taiwan. While revealing that proper nutrition can have a dramatic effect on reducing and reversing these ailments as well as obesity, this text calls into question the practices of many of the current dietary programs, such as the Atkins diet, that enjoy widespread popularity in the West. The impact of the politics of nutrition and the efforts of special interest groups on the creation and dissemination of public information on nutrition are also discussed.

[This] elaborate study of rural Chinese gives big points to the health value of their plant-based diets. -taken from Barnes&Noble.com

My thoughts:

The China Study is a significant and impelling look at animal-based diets compared to plant-based diets. T. Colin Campbell, PhD covers a lot of nutritional information, backed by research, and how it effects our bodies and disease. This book is an inspiration to those of us who want all the accurate information we can get to keep ourselves healthy and disease free.

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